Does AutoCAD lt work on iPad Pro?

No, AutoCAD LT does not directly work on iPad Pro.

AutoCAD LT is designed for desktop computers and is not natively available for the iPad Pro.

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Platform Limitation: AutoCAD LT is meant for Windows and macOS, not iOS.
  2. AutoCAD Mobile App: Autodesk offers the AutoCAD mobile app, suitable for viewing, editing, and sharing AutoCAD drawings on mobile devices, including the iPad Pro.


  • Use AutoCAD Mobile App:
    • Step 1: Download the AutoCAD mobile app from the App Store.
    • Step 2: Sign in with your Autodesk account.
    • Step 3: Access and work on your drawings.
  • Remote Desktop Access:
    • Step 1: Set up a remote desktop application on your iPad Pro and desktop.
    • Step 2: Connect to your desktop running AutoCAD LT from your iPad Pro.


  • Functionality Differences: The AutoCAD mobile app has limited features compared to AutoCAD LT.
  • Remote Access Limitations: Using remote desktop might have performance or usability constraints.