Does AutoCAD Architecture work on Mac?

AutoCAD Architecture does not natively work on Mac. It’s designed for Windows.

The issue is that AutoCAD Architecture, a specific variant of AutoCAD, is developed for the Windows operating system. macOS users cannot directly install or run this software.


  1. Boot Camp: Use Apple’s Boot Camp to install Windows on your Mac. This allows your Mac to dual-boot macOS and Windows. Install AutoCAD Architecture in the Windows partition.
    • Step 1: Partition your Mac’s hard drive with Boot Camp.
    • Step 2: Install Windows on the new partition.
    • Step 3: Boot into Windows and install AutoCAD Architecture.
  2. Virtual Machine Software: Use software like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion.
    • Step 1: Install the virtual machine software on your Mac.
    • Step 2: Create a new virtual machine and install Windows on it.
    • Step 3: Run Windows inside macOS and install AutoCAD Architecture.
  3. Remote Access: Access a Windows machine remotely using software like Microsoft Remote Desktop.
    • Step 1: Set up a Windows PC with AutoCAD Architecture.
    • Step 2: Install remote desktop software on both Mac and Windows PC.
    • Step 3: Connect to the Windows PC from your Mac and use AutoCAD Architecture remotely.
  4. AutoCAD for Mac: Use the macOS version of AutoCAD, although it lacks the Architecture-specific features.

Each solution has its pros and cons, like performance trade-offs for virtual machines and Boot Camp’s need for rebooting to switch OS. Choose based on your needs and hardware capabilities.